Eagle Spirit Ministry
  A Little Light inspiration

Katrice Balmer


And See Beyond The Veils Of Illusion


Awaken all you dreamers from your restless slumber. Allow fresh eyes to open upon a new world. A new world of your own creation. A world wherein you are the architect, the grand designer of the world of your dreams. Imagine what this would be and allow your mind to wander far and wide as you search within for the grand design.

You have been told on many occasions that you are the creator of your life. This is not some fable to entertain you. No, it is Divine truth and it is your birthright. You were created to be the best possible human you could be so accept this as your own truth and move forward into the life of your dreams. You can still dream of greatness, can you not. Resurrect those dreams from long ago and allow them to once more become clear as you open your sleepy eyes and minds to the magnitude of all possibilities. Accept the possibility that you are capable of greatness and then be it.

Remove any blocks created by your own self imposed limitations and open to the Divine flow of universal abundance in all areas of your life. With every breath you take, feel the cleansing breath of the Universe as it flows unimpeded throughout your physical form in the here and now. Cleanse any impurities in your system with the life force energy that flows throughout all within the Universe in every moment for all time.


Rise up into the pure vibrations of the Highest Self you are capable of being. Raise your heart and head up high as you open to this heightened energy that is yours for the asking. You only have to beckon and the flow is engaged in that very moment. You do have to ask however. Tis as simple as that. Ask and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find. Be, and you are.

If you could only acknowledge that within your own Divine body temple you are complete and whole now, this life that you are currently leading will explode with unlimited opportunities for growth. The depths of your being will expand and you will know, without a shadow of a doubt, that you are complete and perfect and Divine just as you are now, in this moment.

Awaken and see beyond the veils of illusion. Learn to see past your preconceived notions of how life should be and accept life as it is. We are all waking up in Divine right time and order and it is in the acceptance of the self that we all become the mighty beings we are destined to be.

May the week ahead unfold in beauty and wonder, as you become the YOU, you are meant to be.


Blessings to you all.
Katrice on Kauai

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