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The most important point to remember, is that we should be guided by our instinct. What follows is an outline, but if our instinct guides to use a different sound, we need to follow our instinct.

Logos has been variously defined over several millennia. In Greek Philosophy, Logos is defined as the controlling principle of the cosmos and expressed in the union of sound and intelligence.

Logos has been defined as The Word, Ultimate Reality, First Cause, Brahmin, God, the Supreme Buddha, Great Spirit and on down a beautiful never ending scroll of names, descriptions and definitions.

Possibly a practicing definition might be: What we have discovered Logos is, and what our heart knows and feels Logos is.

Having entered our sacred site, or a quiet place for meditation, we are ready to begin.

This ritual is performed with the utilization of sound. We use tones, Om, chants, as we have become familiar with in our past meditations, or what ever sound we feel like producing.

We can use a prayer bowl, or a gong or a bell if we prefer. If we do not have these items available, our instinct will guide us to a substitute sound object.

We tap or strike the bowl or sound object, and we hear and feel the sound with our soul. We allow the sound to flow as the sound will in union with our soul. We breathe the sound into us allowing the sound to move freely with us. We feel the divine emotional response of our heart.

We tap or strike the bowl or sound object at least three times, each time we allow the sound to return to the silence from which we created the sound.

Whilst meditating. we listen to and feel the silence until we are ready to complete the next tap or strike. With each tap or strike, we take the number of breaths which we feel like taking.

We tap or strike the bowl or sound object, and we hear and feel the sound with our soul. We allow the sound to flow as the sound will in union with our soul. We breathe the sound into us allowing the sound to move freely with us. We feel the divine emotional response of our heart.

When we are ready, we can set the bowl or sound object aside.


We focus within where we now are. To focus we breathe, be, feel, see, allow, and evolve as we feel from time to time.

We may be given, an idea, a concept, or a thought may enter our consciousness, and draw our focus.

We may conclude our meditation when we are ready to conclude our meditation.

Chapel Tibet is another human being who happens to pursue the Divine. Chapel Tibet has had a presence on Earth for many cycles of time. The name "Chapel Tibet" was given to Chapel Tibet, by a feminine aspect of the Divine.

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