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Analogies of Reality
Analogies of Reality


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Imagine a meteor far away in space, but heading for a collision course with earth, and potentially a disaster. Whilst that meteor is far away in space, the slightest nudge on that meteor will change it's course and avert disaster. However, the closer that meteor travels towards earth, an ever increasing impact is required to alter the meteor's course and avert disaster.

As the point of impact draws close, only a severe impact will alter the meteor's course dramatically enough to avert disaster.

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Sometimes, our lives are like that meteor as we move ever closer to disaster. If we make a small adjustment to alter our course we can easily move away from disaster. However, if we are stubborn, and we ignore the nudges and refuse to change course, we will often encounter a major impact in our lives forcing us to move in another direction, suddenly and painfully.

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We should be thankful if we have experienced a major event which has impacted our lives, and caused upheaval, because in all likelihood, the impact has averted a disaster.

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  Rainbow bar

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