Joseph J. Mazzella

Today had been full of so many glorious moments. It started in the morning when I was able to catch the fantastic sunrise God painted for us. The pinks, reds, and purples made the clouds come alive with color and beauty. The golden sun coming over the wooded mountains hinted of even greater joys to come.


The moments continued with hugs from my children, a kiss from my wife, and nuzzles from my many furry house mates. They kept on coming as I sang along to joyous music in my car, shared a laugh with friends at my children's school, and held my youngest son's hand as we took an evening walk. They filled my soul with joy as I took time to rejoice in the still vibrant Autumn trees and walked on the crunchiest, most colorful carpet nature ever made. They made my soul overflow with God's love and oneness as I saw the man in the moon smiling at me through my window while I kissed my family goodnight and thanked God for another day.


Life is so full of glorious, God given moments. They brighten our days and make our lives a wonderful adventure in love and joy. A good life is made up of joyous moments and is lived moment by loving moment. There is a reason why we cannot remember every second of everyday of our lives. It is because we are meant to live in the moment, the wonderful now and not become bogged down in our past mistakes or our future expectations.

  We all have our moments and it is up to us to live them. You may not be perfect or happy all the time. But you can choose and share love and joy this moment and the moment after that and perhaps even the moment after that. You can fill your heart, mind, soul and life with beautiful, loving, and joyous moments. You can share them with everyone you meet and show them how to do the same. You can make the world a better place from the glorious moments you spent in it.
  Joseph J. Mazzella
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